It was so heartening to see that the vast majority of pupils were online today, engaging in their live lessons and producing work and demonstrating learning which I would have wanted in a classroom setting. A thread of my takeaways from today. 1/4
Sticking to usual routines est. in school helped make a positive start & reinforced my expectations. Register, with pupils unmuting themselves to answer, 5 a day retrieval activity and outlining learning intentions with the structure of the online lesson helped pupils settle 2/4
Screensharing via @MicrosoftTeams helped to model to pupils where to locate the work on @OneNoteEDU and meant that all resources were in one place for them to access. Using I-we-you approach to model how to apply knowledge reassured pupils in the process required 3/4
Using Microsoft forms & polls at key points in the online lesson helped gauge pupil understanding. I spent a long time planning what to ask, when to ask & how to use the technology as a diagnostic tool for this. Final thought - my prior prep in tweaking dept resources was key 4/4
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