Did you know 30% of direct care workers are Black women? This is no accident. The history of Black women’s overrepresentation in undervalued work dates back to slavery, where Black women were forced to give away their labor for free. http://phinational.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Its-Time-to-Care-2020-PHI.pdf
After and since slavery, Black women have been relegated to gendered, traditionally undervalued work. The Black Laws of 1865 restricted Black Americans to low-wage jobs, denied them access to education, and paved the way for discriminatory work practices that still exist today.
In spite of this, Black women in domestic work found ways to organize and fight back, forming unions and participating in the Civil Rights Movement. Their role in the movement was wide and varied, from preparing meals, to hosting protests and boycotts. https://ir.library.louisville.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1045&context=etd
This legacy of activism is still alive today, but so too are the structural conditions that keep Black women underemployed and underpaid. Black women's annual earnings are still 21% lower than that of white women. https://www.epi.org/blog/black-womens-labor-market-history-reveals-deep-seated-race-and-gender-discrimination/
That’s why we need Biden’s caregiving workforce plan - and why 97% of Black women support it. The President Elect’s plan will increase pay and protections for care workers, helping us create a more inclusive and equitable economy. https://19thnews.org/2020/12/joe-biden-caregiving-proposal-national-domestic-workers-alliance-service-employees-international-union-poll/
lack women flipped Georgia blue in the presidential election to secure Joe Biden’s win. Now it’s time to do the same in the #GeorgiaRunoff to make sure he has the Senate majority he needs to get his care plan through.
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