you know what’s really cool. that it’s 100% okay for you to walk away even if they’ve only made you feel uncomfortable ONCE. there’s nothing left to prove, even your gut/intuition shudders around them. you don’t have to give anyone a second chance.
it doesn’t mean you’re a coward or a “bad person”. it means you’re finally prioritizing preserving yourself first & there’s nothing wrong with that. at times our minds trick us into giving a second chance because “we’ve been through worse” or “the grass ain’t greener” mentality.
ofc running away from everything in your life is toxic & should be addressed but not always. sometimes, one time is all it takes. sometimes, one time is too far. it’s time we start allowing ourselves to trust our decision making & intuition when it comes to giving out “chances”.
but just think about this. how sad is it to tell oneself “humans are disappointing, everyone will disappoint me eventually so i’m just gonna deal with this. force myself to forget this. i just wanna get passed this”. !!!!!
yes people will disappoint you but it doesn’t mean TOLERATE THIS SHIT FROM THIS SPECIFIC PERSON. oh no honey! other people may be disappointing but maybe they won’t be this violent, maybe it will be tolerable & not as bad. maybe... they won’t dismiss your feelings this badly.
this came to mind bc i recently decided to dip immediately after someone did something that made me feel uncomfortable. i had never done that before. guess what my brain did? “maybe you’re overreacting” “maybe you are judging them too harshly” “maybe wait for another offense?”
what the fuck. i hated that i even questioned myself when i knew how it made me feel. this is what i mean by we need to change our programming. everything we’ve been exposed to & learned from the time we were kids impacts us until this day. it’s our job to change it.
so what did i do? i journaled. i talked to friends that i trust. i asked them for their opinions on it. i looked at my written reflection about how their actions made me feel. i read it everyday until i didn’t need to anymore. trusting yourself feels really good, u should try it.
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