Did you know I’m the world’s leading expert on “O9A”? I know more about it than anyone except its creators.

Do you know why I don’t claim to be an “O9A expert,” publish papers on the scary scary O9A, & talk on TV/radio/newspapers about it all day long?

https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9107019/Government-propaganda-unit-given-secret-mission-infiltrate-neo-Nazis-linked-terror-plots.html https://twitter.com/cyberevitas/status/1346465159359950850
Because “to inform is to the influence.”

O9A, like QAnon, is entirely beside the point.

The particularities of the symbolic systems are mechanisms designed to attract certain personality types & activate reflexive responses in mass psychology to manipulate society at large.
I take my expertise on insurrectionary accelerationism extremely seriously bc understanding them means I know better than anyone that I’m not immune to doing extraordinary harm to this country if I lose perspective on what’s important & what isn’t.
You can follow @CybereVitas.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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