India has soundly defeated covid with herd immunity. 

Seroprevalence studies show up to 75% positive for covid antibodies.

True incidence rate is likely higher as antibodies decay or go undetected.

India is the model for covid
Nearly all Indian states have seen drops in cases/deaths of 80-90% from their peak. Below, we have the 15 largest Indian states with the final graph an aggregate of all others.
India got to herd immunity quickly by having a dense population where the vast majority could not work from home and are not obsessed with cleanliness like the west.

It would not surprise me at all if 70+% of Indians have had covid and now have long lasting immunity.
Herd immunity could have been reached in the West months ago by keeping schools open, particularly universities, where the young and healthy could obtain immunity away from the elderly.
Working from home was a huge hindrance to herd immunity in the West. Workers under 40 (and healthy under 60) working closely in the same building indoors could have helped spread the virus faster.
Shutting down in-person school and work decreased the West's chance of reaching herd immunity quickly and safely.
Instead of college kids coming home after the 2020 spring semester to visit their grandparents knowing they are immune, they had to avoid them or visit them with fear.
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