Have I said fuck PETA lately? Because fuck PETA. There is no disadvantaged group, none at all, they won't exploit for their mad crusade. Even if there were any dairy link (there isn't), why associate autism with a frowny face? Just awful. https://twitter.com/LilySimpson1312/status/1346201013267570688
I'm so sick of autism being talked of as a life sentence on the parents as opposed to a fact of life for the child. That's what underlies vaccine scares, it's what drives groups like Autism Speaks, and it's really fucked up.
Question: why don't any vegans spend any time working on ways to stop animals eating other animals? The great wrong they're against is living creatures dying for food, right?
Fair enough, I did phrase it as a question. https://twitter.com/ralexm/status/1346480670382592001
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