2. "Jane Spilsbury, who had been living in Watamu with her marine biologist husband for several years, began hearing tales from local fishermen of dolphin and whales sightings..."
Note who knew all along.
Note who is named & foregrounded.
More importantly, who is not.
3. "We literally came from a point of zero information and zero awareness, it seems ridiculous to imagine that nobody knew that the dolphins or whales existed here," Spilsbury tells CNN.

No one. Except, pf courxe, the local people - who ALWAYS knew. https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/whales-in-kenya-scn/index.html
4. Yes, @CNN, she "found" them even though...
""It was as simple as talking to a fisherman at the bar and asking if he'd seen any humpback whales and he said 'Sure, we've seen them for 30 years.'"

Yet "no-one knew there were dolphins out there" ???
5. There's a lot of nonsense in here, but, #KOT, you will be pleased to know..

"Local people didn't even know where Watamu was [before]," she adds. "But there's a huge shift now. It's exciting."
6. So, sacrificially, "Now at the helm of the country's growing marine tourism industry, Spilsbury, who worked for the UK government's legal service before packing up and moving overseas, believes she'll see out the rest of her days in Kenya, as "there's too much to do.
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