Theory thread about the rainbow pearls, and their abilities (a very lengthy thread)
1. The mysterious rainbow pearls play a major part in the Yashahime series. We know they obviously increase demonic power, but do they have their own unique uses? Do they all do something incredible when they’re together?
2. It's interesting that there are 7 pearls, like the 7 primary chakras. Opening all 7 chakras simultaneously heightens a being and allows their energy to flow endlessly, & open a spiritual path to enlightenment for an individual.

Similar to accessing the rainbow corridor.
3. Each wielder of the pearl doesn’t seem to use them in a similar fashion. Each pearl appears to have unique abilities. Let’s delve more into this, comparing each of the 7 pearls to the chakras.
4. RED

This pearl formerly belonged to Tokotsu, who we don’t know very much about. The rainbow pearl was then stolen by Moroha, who keeps it inside the heirloom lipstick shell, likely to strengthen its ability to connect her to her demon blood.
5. Red-Root Chakra-Earth Element-Base of the spine

The chakra of balance and harmony. It helps unlock all energy within the body. This may be why Moroha keeps it in the shell. It helps harmonize her demonic energy, so Toga's blood can awakened, to help her become Beniyasha

Currently belongs to Totetsu.

Orange-Sacral Chakra-Water Element-Below The Naval

This is the chakra of pleasure & enjoyment of life through our senses, (ie: eating). The pearl was helping Totestu fulfill his desires of devouring monks by leading him to the strongest

Setsuna currently wields the golden pearl inside of her eye. It was obviously placed there without her knowledge, and has been in her possession nearly her entire life.

Gold-Solar Plexus-Fire Element-Center of the naval
8. It is the center of personal power. It governs ego, warrior energy, personality, willpower, and identity. These are things we have seen Setsuna struggle with. I’ve even implied in a previous thread that I believe Setsuna’s solar plexus energy may be unstable.
9. We’ve only seen her use it once in battle alongside Towa against the man-eating pond. The solar plexus chakra represents the ability to tap into the light of a thousand suns that exists within you. Perhaps Setsuna relied on it to assist with her inner strength and confidence.
10. Many theorize that Setsuna was considered the weaker twin. So perhaps Sesshomaru gave her this pearl, so she would be stronger, more confident, and less hesitant in life and in battle.

It seems like Riku is the one that entrusted Jyubei with this pearl temporarily, since he intends to gather all seven.

Green-Heart Chakra-Air Element-Center of the chest

It governs compassion, love, connectedness, change, transformation, emotions & relationships.
10. It is the bridge between earth and spirit.

I have a theory that since Riku has commissioned Jyubei to handle stronger demons, it would mean he, as a corpse dealer, would be handling bones with stronger demonic energy. Sango did mention in the original series that
11. demon bones that aren’t purified are dangerous. Handling strong demon remains would require a strong and harmonious heart.

Perhaps Riku temporarily entrusted the rainbow pearl to Jyubei to keep his heart and soul from being overtaken by demonic energy.
12. BLUE

Riku possesses this pearl.

Blue-Throat Chakra-Ether element-Between the throat and center of the eyes. (The same place Riku wears it as an earring)

The throat chakra is expression, communication and the vibration of sound.
13. It governs the connection to the etheric realm (ether), other realms of spirit and intuitive abilities. It is an important reference point for aligning your entire chakra system.

We witnessed Riku controlling the element of water, possibly with the assistance of the Pearl
14. which heightens spiritual abilities. He flicked his earring when he wanted to control water, & when he wanted a boat to conveniently appear. The throat chakra can control creation & projecting ideas into reality. It seems with this pearl, one can “speak” things into existence

Originally entrusted to Kyuki by Kirinmaru.

Purple/indigo-Third Eye & Crown Chakras-Light & Thought Elements-Between the eyes & The top of the head
16. Third eye chakra is responsible for visions, intuition & psychic abilities ie: clairvoyance, which we’ve seen Kyuki use to observe the others from her fortress, & peer into Yotsume’s dream gazing spell. It can explain why Yotsume had an eye on his forehead when he transformed
17. The crown chakra is responsible for consciousness, higher awareness, communication with higher states of consciousness, and transcendence of our normal limitations. It is considered the gateway to the cosmic self. The crown chakra is also responsible for dreams.
18. The purple rainbow pearl, with the combined abilities of the sixth and seventh chakra could certainly peer into the consciousness of others, which would explain why some of the dreams, were not dreams at all, but visions of things they’ve experienced from an astral POV.
19. It could explain why Towa’s dream of Setsuna’s butterfly, may not have been a dream, & perhaps Treekyo was talking to her, since it was a spiritual event. The pearl was capable of absorbing demonic energy, through the dream spell, because it was meddling with conscious energy

Towa has this pearl in her eye.

Silver-All Chakras-Ether Element-The Spiritual Body

I mentioned earlier that the opening of all 7 chakras (similar to having all 7 pearls), can open a spiritual path.

Ether is the fifth element, the spiritual body of all elements.
21. Could it (partly) explain why Towa was able to travel through the rainbow corridor? Did she open it on her own, because of her feelings?

It can also explain why Riku told Towa she could also control elements.
22. Towa relies on the power of the pearl a lot when she is in battle, and it helps her unlock and access her greatest demonic powers.

Fun Fact: Silver represents the moon, and gold represents the sun. Together, they are light radiance, truth & peace, serenity & harmony.

1. They heighten powers that already exist within a wielder, & coincide with specific abilities.

2. Pearls have metaphysical properties & are known for a connection to the divine. They heal/enhance properties, & represent the journey of spirit, down a path of perfection
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