To all patriots heading to DC for 1/6. Remember those that may try to infiltrate rather than invade. Know who is standing next to you, esp if someone is trying to film a poss event. They want nothing more than to set up MAGA.
NG would not be called in for MAGA. My gut tells me Mayor Bowser knows plans of deceit.
Going to try and post in a way so you can see what I see. Back to prior comms from Nov. The vandalization & the info about plans to infiltrate.

Why are they showing vandalization again now. Markers Matter. Past proves future.

Pay attn to numbers
Have they been planning a 'set up' for awhile now.
Now, jumping to more recent notables. Remember chkg the gate. This one stood out but not for the reason everyone was noticing.

The Wall means more than you know. (This is the guy who wears the wall suit).
Gate 45
United. Whos united?
45=Anchor (as crooked). CROOKED!
45=Rh=The Rose
The Rose gives bees honey.

@hmcd123 called it with this acct
Gates matter. In this case they seem to be used to communicate.

Is this the Queen bee who sent the honey?

Alice (in Wonderland)

How many Alice's are there?
Warner Theater.

What was the last name of the guy in Nashville! Like said then, it was never meant to trgt anyone, it was comms for future event.
Anthony Quinn ... Warner
63 inverted 93
The greatest President @realDonaldTrump
This is the perfect spot for @GinaPhi94724925's prayer. Where 2 or more gather in His name.
What's place on the Rđź’Ład!

Thank you @RealTina40 for keeping your eyes open. Stay safe and Gid Bless you.
NG is not there for MAGA. Patriots in control. Keep in mind infiltration works both ways.
Who controls the NG?
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