Leadership observation: the vast majority of potential employees love being micromanaged. It absolves them of responsibility, gives them infinite job security and an excuse for every pain, failure, or inconvenience. It also robs them of significance and satisfaction.
If you micromanage people, rather than delegating outcomes while supporting those who pursue them, you will attract this type of employee over and over.
You will also drive away excellent employees, over and over. They won’t tolerate your micromanagement. Excellent employees will not tolerate bad business or ministry, even if they are well-compensated.
If you want to retain great employees and drive away poor employees, include delegated, mutually-agreed-upon outcomes in your performance reviews. Manage at the root level, and evaluate the fruit.
People think pay motivates, but it only lasts one pay period. If you want to motivate, hire high quality people for jobs that matter. Great employees would rather work with fewer great employees than more mediocre employees.
Don’t hire mediocre employees. It is better to go without. I have found that younger generations will give their lives for something that matters, but won’t give the time of day for something that doesn’t.
The malaise of video games and substances comes out of boredom when nobody has called them to something significant. Be the person who calls young people to something bigger than themselves. /FIN
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