You know things would’ve gone so much better if the government had at any point accepted that this is a health crisis and not an economic crisis – you cannot fix the latter before you fix the former – but we keep compromising our response because Rishi keeps getting chicken shit.
The *real* reason it took this long to close schools is because the government wants the parents of these children working, not supervising their remote learning.
We wasted so much money on eat out to help out instead of continuing furlough and opening up slowly to ensure the virus did not surge again. And guess what happened? It surged again.
The government threatened people with losing their job if they continued to work from home despite there being a freaking pandemic because the government refused to properly support businesses that exist to serve office workers – who were now all working from home.
We never closed down our borders because the government was too scared of harming businesses. We even had MPs (including a former PM) calling on the government to end its very limited (and ineffectual) quarantine travel rules in the summer because “muh business”
What’s happened instead is this pandemic has been extended and businesses have wasted countless amounts of money and time trying to respond to ever changing rules – rather than us just having a short(er) but extremely strict lockdown that we only ever lifted slowly in stages.
It makes me so angry that if anything Rishi Sunak has probably had the worst pandemic of any minister but because British expectations of politicians is so, so low that as soon as Rishi starts spending, he becomes the most popular politician. He won’t be held to account.
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