Dugin doesn’t want to destroy the West; he wants to destroy Atlanticist neoliberalism. While neoliberalist apologists claim that liberal markets are the key to prosperity based on free trade, neoliberalism only creates monopolies and severe concentration of wealth. Unsustainable!
Social democracy, another term for neoliberalism, sounds great on paper because social programs and safety nets exist for a populace while liberal markets open doors for prosperity. So why isn’t social democracy working in Europe and elsewhere? Because big business still runs it.
But big business creates jobs in private sector whereas socialist economy stifles growth due to lack of competition! So a population remains at the mercy of big business and foreign investment?! The idea of nation or national disappears and all that’s left is monetary interests!
This is what we find when we observe social democracies in Europe and Canada (the only exception is Australia bc they have strict immigration laws): “nationals,” i.e. proles want a piece of the neoliberal pie so their lives become dedicated to mobility on social scale above all.
Economics literally means household management so economics has ethical & moral implications. Would you ever harm or starve your family? Then why allow neoliberal markets as default economic principle simply because socialism is evil and Stalinist? Is there no other way forward?
Third position, or state capitalism, has done wonders for China so why won’t it work in the West?

I’ll wait.
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