Lack of queues in Dover - lots of takes like this one on the Leave side, with replies on the Remain side saying that this is because traffic is down due to stockpiling etc and that we'll only know once traffic levels return to normal.
I've decided to start collecting these takes, but it's difficult as I've muted most of these people over the years. Luckily I still see the bewildered replies from Remainers.
Here's a Bloomberg source for the 85% reduction that I see in many replies.
Joe Mayes is one of two authors of the Bloomberg piece I tweeted out above (and incorrectly attributed to Reuters, my bad).
All the usual suspects.
I'm getting tired of this, I think you get the picture.
I've been thinking about this. First off this is completely correct -
And secondly the Kent Access Permit system for lorries is now operational, and it looks like it will allow the govt to limit the number of lorries entering Kent by refusing permits. So no queues in Kent. But surely that's just window dressing?!
The thread continues here -
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