This is a scan of the junk mail:
Let's go through some of the obvious problems with the messaging:
1. We are not living in Fear.
2. Going back to normal is not possible until the pandemic is over.
3. Saving lives is what the NHS is trying to do & a deadly highly infectious contagion is going to take a priority.
4. Protecting the vulnerable is what we are already doing. You cannot protect only them without protecting others.
5. Reviving the economy cannot come are the expense of more infections and deaths from a contagion.
6. Freedom can only be fully restored with mass vaccinations.
7. Lockdowns are to reduce deaths and infections they will not stop them completely.
8. Cancelling & delaying cancer treatments, surgery & other life saving are still occurring but if we overwhelm the NHS these will have to be reduced due to many patients with a deadly contagion.
9. All the other illnesses, job losses, alcoholism, family breakups, loneliness etc. should be supported by the government with money, care lines, food banks etc. A deadly contagion will always take priority because all the other things are not infectious.
Is that enough?
10. Now to late to do any of this below as we have too many infections:
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