How should you respond when people tell you, “you should just focus on the gospel...and not on justice”?
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(1) First, we need to understand that the biblical concept of justice is synonymous with the gospel. Both seek the restoration of all things. Jesus comes to give people what they’re due and giving people their due is exactly what restorative, not retributive, justice is.
(2) Jesus sees the hurting, the sick, the marginalized & declares they have the right to be restored back into society; they have the right to good health, equal treatment and same resources as the rest of us. Jesus restores ppl holistically and this is just (Micah 6:8).
(3) To focus on the gospel is to focus on 3fold restoration: we seek to restore relationships bw God and humanity; between humans; and bw humans and our surroundings. This is what gospel-rooted justice is all about.
(4) Gospel-rooted justice is not just raising our voices to challenge systems & confront evil. It’s about joining God in the work of creating a better world. We must deconstruct & reconstruct; call out & call in. We must ultimately be peacemakers and restorers of all good things.
(5) The next time someone tells you to just focus on the gospel instead of justice, tell them “I am. I am joining God in his work to restore all things (Rev 21:5). I invite you to join us as well.”
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