Been kicking the tires of  recently, a passwordless auth service using Decentralized Idenitfiers (DID) which uses a distributed ledger (Ethereum in this case), and noticed it uses AWS Cognito for some functionality under the hood.
In basic terms its DID on top of AWS Cognito ... They've built the stuff that differentiates them (the DID bit), and used a service for the rest. Instead of building the whole stack themselves. Smart.
Decent user experience, but docs are limited and not a lot of blogs or community resources out there. The test case I'm using implements it with Svelte, and there are no docs or StackOverflow posts on  and Svelte. This is to be expected with newer tech.
If you want to know more about DID, check out the W3C docs on the DID spec. It's the evolution of auth, with interoperability with Oauth, OIDC and WebAuthn as a replacement for JWT 
Also @ajassy you need to fix Cognito... it's UX is a mess, and lacking features... buy  ... already built on top of AWS, and they're a team that knows something about UX.
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