28) Once again we're here on hellaciously familiar ground. We the voters of America express our will in loud, stentorian tones. Swamp Creatures, minions of their masters in the Globalist Cabal, couldn't care less. Business as usual there holds no place for us, no place at all.
30) I strongly recommend that you read it while I take a few minutes to draw out a decent little cup of espresso. Pay careful attention to their assumption that the Constitution supports ONLY the outcome they desire. We'll parse that false assumptive base when I return.
31) I'm sorry to inflict the torment of reading the AP's tripe on you, but, well, I'm going to do it again shortly. Doesn't mean I'm not sorry, though. It's a necessary evil practice for us to keep our eye on the enemy. Never forget, the first command is always to know thy enemy.
32) If there's something our founding fathers mastered, it was the use of words. Be it war or peace, be it democracy, republic, their federalist amalgamation, or the question of state's rights, etc., they lived, as we do, in a war of words. There can be no politics without words.
33) The psychological or information warrior on either side contends for the power of naming. In the creation story in Genesis it was God's first task for Adam. Adam was empowered to name all the beasts and plants in the Garden of Eden. The snake in the garden observed this.
35) A bit later in Genesis we're told that the people of Babylon were unified and built towers - we call them ziggurats, now - ascending to the heaven. For this hubris how were they punished? By the imposition of scores of different languages. Babyl. Thus...Babylon.
36) I don't know the story of the Associated Press. I'll have to check that out. But somewhere along the line, they decided that they were the word masters of the Globalist Cabal. They are its word warriors. And in the piece above, the term they're confiscating is Constitutional.
37) Please be clear. This is nothing but a bold, bald lie. Not only do they have no right to own this term, their very use of it is completely destructive of the value of the term itself, and that is their true purpose.
38) They want you to believe that Pence's Constitutional duty is nothing other than to certify false electors. In their own opinion, they're on the 99 yard line and they see Pence's job, "Constitutionally," to carry their ball into the end zone scoring the winning touchdown.
39) At no point do they ever consider there be such a thing as a Constitutional duty to ensure the integrity of the vote, to ensure the rejection, the ejection of false electors. Here's one counter...

#EjectFalseElectors and...

I like the first one.
40) I offer the 2nd solely due to the question of the players and the plays. What will Pence's play be, tomorrow? We'd better let him know he has more audience than the local Swamp Creatures that surround him. He must face us. Without us, he has no future. No more plays to play.
41) As to Nancy, she's not even a 2-bit player anymore, only squeezing out the vote she needed to stay in as leader by bringing back a Covid positive representative. Nancy is a walking farce, a parody of herself, not even herself herself. She'll be gone by or before 2022.
42) Mighty Mitch is finished. He will no longer be mighty, ever again. I guess he's actually Unmighty Mitch now. Like Pence, Mitch is nothing without us. He is solely a Globalist Cabal minion who utterly outed himself with his embrace of Joe Biden. He is nothing to us now.
43) I say...


I don't care if the Senate stays Republican or not, we must extract all power from Mitch. We won't linger here today, but, we must come up with a complete MAGA plan to deminionize our players. We must...

44) And that leaves us Kevin. No doubt he's better than Liz Cheney, so if he's thinking he must block her ascension, I'm mostly okay with that. I get it. And I like Kevin. I do. But I wouldn't trust him to hold my plug nickel. We must build a MAGA plan to run the House properly.
45) If it was up to me, I'd put @CawthornforNC forward as Speaker of the House in 2022 when MAGA takes control of the House back. At age 27, he'll be ready, I say. But what about right now?

46) I intimated the play above with my proposed speech for Pence. But what's the bottomline on that play? Time. Delay. I don't mean delay as a mere ploy, a tactical maneuver. I mean this. When you're headed the wrong way, slow down. You're looking for a uturn.

47) It's get real time. We must learn to speak with a unified and roaring voice. Minion Mitch must hear us roaring. Confused Kevin must hear us as well. Will Pence be Mousy Mike, or will he rise up, stand tall, and be MAGA Mike?
48) There is an entirely different game strategy on the table for consideration. We've worked on it repeatedly. It is General McInerney's 10 Commandments To Save America. I have to return to these plays over and over. What if January 20 comes and Biden is inaugurated?
49) What if Biden's "victory" is solely due to a diseased vote, as certified by false electors? What if, as I completely believe, Biden is as owned by China as he is a Globalist Cabal Minion? How will we feel, having failed to heed General Mac?
51) I'm confident most of you know of President Eisenhower's term, the Military-Industrial Complex. I bet a good deal fewer of you have watched his short, 3:16 minute speech on topic, from January 17, 1961.
52) Here's their opening sentence:

"In an extraordinary rebuke of President Donald Trump, all 10 living former secretaries of defense cautioned Sunday...
53) "...against any move to involve the military in pursuing claims of election fraud, arguing that it would take the country into “dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory.”

Would you look at that. Who owns the word "Constitutional?"
54) Here's their explicit rejection of General Mac's Commandments:

“Efforts to involve the U.S. armed forces in resolving election disputes would take us into dangerous, unlawful and unconstitutional territory,” they wrote. ...
55) “Civilian and military officials who direct or carry out such measures would be accountable, including potentially facing criminal penalties, for the grave consequences of their actions on our republic.”

And of this they are 100% certain. Okay.
56) The players and the plays? This letter was fathered by Dick Cheney, who is also the father of Liz Cheney, the one seeking to replace Confused Kevin. Pere Cheney is threatening so Minority Leader will NOT:

57) Word ownership. We The People must, and we shall take back our words. We shall harden our minds and hearts to their evil infiltration into patriotism itself. They play act the part of patriots when they are in fact traitors. In Hamlet, something was rotten in Denmark.
58) Can you smell the reek coming from Washington DC today? I say, with broken heart, something is rotten in America. It is on us, We The People, and us, the MAGA Movement to cure this ill. We must remove from power those traitors who betray us every single day.
59) You cannot make me look away or close my eyes. I will not listen to or sing goodnight lullabies any longer over the fate of my nation. And I know you won't either. Now is the time to sing the song of angry men.
60) This is that moment. Those of you brave patriots who have made the trek to DC for tomorrow's historic moment, we thank you. Be bold and of good cheer. Kevin, Mitch, and Mike will hear you. What they will do, I cannot say. But that they will hear you, of that I am certain.
Thread ends at #60.
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