Living Alone Lockdown Action Plan:

* Shower 1st thing, no more days in PJs
* Run 3 times a week, the single best way to lift my mood
* Cook 3 times a week: simple, mentally cleansing tasks FTW
* Takeaways only as a treat: 'It's Tuesday' isn't grounds for a treat
* Close Netflix after 5 minutes of aimless browsing
* More live TV: If choosing entertainment is too tough, let the broadcasters do it
* READ. Good books need finishing
* Ditch bad books
* Listen to new music to overcome the tedium of housework
* Do housework
* Know which TV and movies don’t require your full attention and use them to accompany tasks you avoid. Currently streaming Maleficent while doing pension admin
* Bag up those books you were going to donate and put it to one side until charity shops reopen. Yes there's now a bag of books in the corner but a thinned out bookshelf is an invitation to my favourite hobby: Buying and neglecting to read books
* Be forgiving of myself if I fail to do any of these
* Take time off the Twitter Discourse to watch Frozen 2. The Discourse will be there when you come back. It always is. That's what the Discourse doesn't want you to know.
* Remember that 'it's been 9 days' IS grounds for a takeaway
* Play the 'Liked Songs' Spotify playlist on random to be transported back and forth between euphoric moments of your life all morning
* Pointless is on 5.15pm weekdays and tends to be a lot happier an experience than the daily press conference
* Celebrating a new job IS a good enough reason for a takeaway
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