Been a crazy night, huh?

Of all the people who I've looked up to, this feels like it should be the biggest deal out of any of them considering how much Carson meant to me.

Despite this, I've just felt numb. I feel like I could sleep if I really wanted to. I've just been in awe.
Normally, I'm supposed to be the optimistic devil's advocate to this kind of thing, but this time just feels different. I want to believe that someone is trying to set him up but deep down, I think a part of me just accepts it.

You really think you can know a man.
He still has not had the opportunity to properly defend himself, but that's all I can really say

Noah and especially traves don't seem like they have any reason to lie, Joko's video is damning, and an anonymous friend of mine recounted just how different he is outside his videos
I feel an air of hopelessness and I almost didn't make any sort of tweet at all, because by god, I really want to be wrong.

But that said, I feel as though I have an obligation to state my perspective.

Innocent until proven guilty, but in this case I wouldn't get your hopes up.
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