The ONLY thing I learned in college.

This simple idea has helped me grow my online presence, make thousand of dollars online, all while I live a comfortable life in a tiny island in the Caribbean.

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In my second year of college, I met the best teacher I've ever had.

I majored in Graphic Design, and most of my teachers were dumb, lazy, and severely bad at teaching.

Everything sucked until I met Mr. Santana – the best teacher.
The class he taught?
Presentation Techniques.

The goal?
Teach us how to pitch our artwork.

During class, each of the students had to pitch an artwork they created to the whole classroom.

It wasn't only about showcasing our drawing skills.

It was also sales and persuasion.
His assignment felt different.

I felt I had something to lose if I failed to deliver, not only because this teacher was the most demanding teacher ever, but also because I had to pitch the work in front of 20 of my classmates.

I had to persuade others into "buying" my artwork.
It's the ONLY time I over-delivered in college.
Mr. Santana taught me something that I will always remember.

It's something I still apply in my emails, social media, coaching and any other online stuff I do.
This simple idea has helped me grow my online presence, make thousand of dollars selling my stuff online...
He taught me the value of having Skin In The Game.
Humans are driven by fear.

And when you have fear of losing something, you'll put more energy into making that something stay with you.

During class, I feared that my artwork wouldn't be appreciated. I feared losing the respect of Mr. Santana and my fellow students.
So I doubled down creating a beautiful masterpiece and perfecting my pitch.
I use this same idea with my social media account.

I work extra hard on creating content that's well-received and that's of massive value to people who engage with it.

I decided to have skin in the game by talking about my ideas online.
You can follow @joserosado.
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