5 things I've found interesting about doing business in India
1. In sales, the baseline of trust is pretty low and must be earned.

This makes enterprise sales extremely relationship driven. You need to spend time getting to know your customer.
2. The rules of competition are different

We've walked into meetings where the customer had been fed crazy lies about us from their existing broker. We have to reset and build trust again. (If I was the sleepy incumbent, I'd be scared too🤷‍♂️)
3. Small things take longer

Bureaucracy is rampant. It's much harder to do basic stuff like rent an office, set up a bank account, and get business cards printed as compared to in the U.S.
5. Big things happen quickly

Enterprise sales, partnerships with big companies, pilots with health systems, etc. Assuming you have trust, things that would take months in the US happen is days here. Big plus for 🇮🇳
5. Venture funding

The profile of venture investors is different. Indian VCs tend to have traditional banking/capital allocating backgrounds. Very few have been operators in the past, which makes their worldview quite different (to be clear, not bad, just different).
Quick plug- we're actively hiring across all roles. If you're interested in pioneering a new healthcare and insurance product with us, check out @loophealthHQ
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