If you started with a base of 1 million voters and grew that base at 1% a year for 22 years, you'd have about 1.23 million voters. If that base of 1 million grew at 7% annualized, you'd have 4.14 million or 3.14 million new voters vs 230,000. Ladies and Gentlemen,
That is how outrageous the growth in AZ has been. In fact, a 1% population growth over a decade is 11%, 7% Growth Rate for 10 years is 96% growth. Well in AZ, after such remarkable growth in past 22 years, I was able to get the voter registration files going back about 4 months
Would you believe the voter registration files grew by a whopping 423,196 in 4 months or just over 11% from what the voting records showed were in place in AZ in June of this year? Absolutely Amazing. The Growth Rate in GA was at least 31% or 2.1 million new voting files.
@staceyabrams you took credit for this growth. You almost added as many new voter rolls to GA in 4 months as 1% growth for 27 years. That is quite an appetite that non-voters had to sign up in 2020. I'm not sure who you answer to, but it appears as though they left you out
dry or "twisting in the wind" when the truth is exposed. That's a whole a lot of twisting that's gonna be going on....

This song just showed up in my playlist... Interesting timing...
This is even creepier... this song by #IronMaiden just showed up in my play list after Johnny.. #ILoveMaiden... youch... not sure who those sands of times are running out for.....
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