As we start 2021 with all four UK nations back in lockdown, @ukhomeoffice must apply the lessons learned in 2020 - both good and bad - right now. To make sure everyone seeking asylum has a safe place to live and enough to live on; and are not left hungry or made homeless.
At £5.66 a day, asylum support rates aren't enough to live on or stay safe. 90% of people can't afford data or phone credit - this excludes them from accessing vital information, prevents essential contact and blocks children's education. Support payments must increase now
Skilled, qualified people who want to contribute - in the NHS, social care and other key worker roles - remain banned from doing so. This makes no sense at all. @pritipatel can and must #LiftTheBan right now and give people seeking asylum the right to work
You can follow @AsylumMatters.
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