Bollywood is just a bubble of privileged, tone-deaf hypocrites. You think criticising Modi is activism? You can't even call out a director accused of #metoo . What happened to your political correctness and feminism? Is it only limited to gaslighting Dalits? Shows your hypocrisy
Secondly, if you read history, you will find that Dalits would have a broom attached to their backs by UC rulers so that the land would not be polluted. By portraying a Dalit politician holding a broom, you are glorifying the stereotype of casteist jobs which our ancestors fought
Thirdly, using a casteist slur like untouchable is not clever wordplay by any means. It is just dehumanizing and constitutionally banned. We were outcasts who were not allowed to even touch the same places as UCs. If you don't know our history, don't misuse it. Unlearn casteism
Moreover, the director of the movie is Subhash Kapoor, a man accused of sexual assault. It baffles me how all of Bollywood has shown their casteism in targeting Dalits for criticising the misleading portrayal of themselves, but no one has pointed a finger at the sexual molestor!
Bollywood is just a bubble of privileged, tone-deaf hypocrites. You think criticising Modi is activism? You can't even call out a director accused of #MeToo . What happened to your political correctness and feminism? Is it only limited to gaslighting Dalits? Shows your hypocrisy
Speaking of the caste of the cast, the movie has a Chadha, Shukla, Oberoi, Kapoor, Kumar, etc. All UCs. A movie about a Dalit surely needs to have some Dalit representation, if any. There are 0 Dalits in Bollywood. If you are so hell bent on being our saviours, introspect on this
Why do Bahujans who are >70% of the Indian population find no representation in any sector of Bollywood? Or any other field for that matter. Film, cricket, politics, law, academia, sport, music, art, media, etc. Why are all these fields dominated by UCs? Are we any less talented?
On the left are Dalit movies made by Dalit directors. On the right are Dalit movies made by UC directors. Left movies are a symbol of Dalit assertion and overcoming oppression. Right movies are glorifying oppression and showing UCs as our saviours. Do I have to explain this more?
The UC saviour complex in movies about Dalits is widespread. In Article 15, the hero was a Brahmin who doesn't know his caste, while the incompetent policeman was a Dalit. In fact, the Dalit leader in the film was killed at the end for shock value. So was this film for us or you?
Speaking of Article 15, there was not a single Dalit actor in that film either. The cast was Khurranna, Gupta, Talwar, Chakraborty, Panday, Mishra, etc. But there was one Dalit featured in the film. The manual scavenger who was made to clean the gutter for shock value once again
And this is not a new problem. In Lagaan, the character of the disabled and handicapped Dalit was named Kachra. Kachra! Seriously? You couldn't find a better name for him than literal trash? I am a Dalit, no one for the last dozen generations in my family was ever called Kachra
When I was in school, kids would call each other Kachra as an insult because of their skin colour. Because that's the impact cinema has on common people. I'm not asking you to make every movie about social justice, but please stop making us disabled, naked, sweepers, Kachras
And the misrepresentation is not limited to Dalits. Even Muslims are shown with a long beard, skull cap, working in a mechanic shop usually building b0mbs as terr0rists. This is why the country is increasingly becoming Islamophobic. You are all responsible for what is happening
I don't expect a lot from Bollywood but how could you people be so blinded by your privilege that you do not see the problem in any of this? Showing Dalits as beggars, Muslims are terr0rists, etc? You don't need to be "woke" to find this problematic, you just need to have a soul
Here's an idea, make a movie about Martin Luther King, but cast a white actor in his role. In fact, make sure the entire cast is white. Then show MLK working as a cotton picker in the movie poster and use racial slurs like the n-word. Do I need to go on or do you see the problem?
All we Dalits ask for is proper representation. The oppression of our ancestors is not a storyline you can make your profits off. The least you can do is have a discussion with us and correct your mistakes. It's the least you can do after thousands of years of oppressing us n/n
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