1/ By adopting Surkov's ideas of non-linear war: government lies producing cynicism and distrust (undermining or scapegoating of experts for political gain), the government risks structural damage to the fabric of society that potentially impacts the stability of the nation state https://twitter.com/atatimelikethis/status/1346399502920523777
2/ A portion of society has literally adopted conspiracy theories, dismissing overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The right wing media (e.g. Telegraph) attempts to undermine scientific evidence, scientists and the severity of the pandemic.
3/ The result is a society that does not take virus suppression sufficiently seriously (anecdotal, but last night, I went to 2x local stores - one grocery, one petrol station, 90% of customers not wearing masks on the eve of a lockdown). Also see lack of safeguards at airports.
4/ When the government doesn't even follow the science, why would the population follow the science? https://twitter.com/dasvee/status/1338429501190119425
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