#Balochistan is too serious a problem to get tackled by rhetoric. What has been happening here is simply genocide. There needs to be an ‘effective intervention’ under the aegis of #UN.
#International law has enough source of authority to reverse the #HumanRights atrocities.For reference we can draw inspirations from a similar set of persistent atrocities against #Kurds by #Iraq.

After a series of condemnation and circulation, #UNSC passed a resolution for a multinational action for taking control over the refugee camps of Kurds. Similarly we can urge all the major democracies to recognise Balochistan Human Rights Council.
Senior #Baloch nationalist Dr Allah Nazar has said this in many of his interviews that #PakistanArmy is running many concentration camps in #Balochistan. This puts #FailedStatePakistan squarely under the ambit of #UN intervention.
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