We could do an autopsy on the historic revisionism at work here, but suffice to say the author relies on the usual suspects. Links to Hassen's incendiary paper with ludicrous genocide figures. I knocked this in an article of my own months ago. https://medium.com/digital-diplomacy/how-western-media-is-failing-ethiopia-75f49ef56e91
The author's big on Baxter. A word about Baxter. Here is what the author of Oromo Democracy thought about Baxter's scholarship. 🤣
Many of the links are historical revisionist articles intended to legitimize a political viewpoint. Pro-Oromo activists aren't the only ones to do this trick, and a lot of the blame can be laid at the feet of Westerners. I've discussed this before. https://jeffpearce.medium.com/how-historians-have-failed-ethiopia-22530b9505a2
What's mind-boggling and frustrating is that the target is Menelik. I guess we just ignore he had Oromo ancestry. Or that several Oromo regions submitted to him. Or that he relied on Ras Gobana Dacche -- oh, wait, Gobana HAS to be considered a traitor. 🙄
All of this underpins the argument that those who disagree with Jawar are somehow connected to a privileged minority that subscribe to one historical view. This, boys and girls, is bullshit.

"If you don't agree, you must be one of them!"
I don't know about you guys, but I don't need history to make me wonder about Jawar. This is from the Guardian in 2018.
BTW, when I linked to this quote about the machete, Ethiopia Insight's big cheese didn't like that -- even though it was to an article by his pal Tom Gardner and that his own articles link like this.

(Not so) fun times.
But back to Jawar. Do we really need to rattle off all the video examples of people appearing on OMN who openly called for slaughtering Amhara and others?

Okay. Pile 'em up under this tweet. 👇 Let's remind folks what the "pioneer" helped create. 😠
Does anyone think we have a big problem when a high profile analyst with 50K followers who works for @CrisisGroup - an org supposedly dedicated to resolving deadly conflict - publishes an article extolling the virtues of a man whose network blatantly encourages ETHNIC CLEANSING?
What is truly revolting about this article is its shameless flipping of the narrative and portraying this guy as the victim, someone whose enterprise urges people -- on U.S. soil no less --to kill. Ethnicity and any past historical wrongs do not grant carte blanche for murder.
This is why I criticize certain analysts, it's why I seek to get less responsible Western media reports and others held accountable. Because I'm pissed off THIS kind of stuff is out there. This kind of BS history and propaganda is a narcotic. Like heroin, it's lethal. Avoid. 😠
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