Thanks to so many people offering splendid advice on EVs. If you're needing advice, check out the replies to my tweet below.

Very short 4 point summary of everything I've heard:

1) ask again if you need a car instead of bike, e-bike, bus, train, carshare, rent, taxis... 1/4
... worth doing the sums on this, incl depreciation - even if taxi spend high, might be cheaper.

2) if you do need a car: if like me you don't use it much, best bet is an older lower-range cheaper EV - much love for the Renault Zoe & Nissan Leaf.... 2/4 out longest regular journey & budget, and base decision on that. Then borrow or hire cars for longer trips eg holidays, visits. Also offer your car for carshares.

3) if you need higher mileage, consider an EV lease or subscription - loads of good offers on this. 3/4
4) Minority view: get old petrol car, use as little as poss. More resource efficient than a little-used EV. Donate the difference to a kick-ass climate charity.

Need to stress I am not an expert at all on this, just reflecting what people said to me - big thanks to them. 4/4
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