Plenty of lecturers & university teams who invested in whole year / term 2 planning and prep for not just basic ‘online learning & teaching’, but a creative, fun and interactive digital curriculum 1/
Unlike, ahem, those tasked with running the country, thousands of teachers & lecturers have taken a longer term view, looking for learning & teaching opportunities rather than just trying to ‘replace’ traditional teaching temporarily with something they see as ‘inferior’ 2/
I for one am proud of and excited by the online programme we’ve explored this year and the way our students have thrown themselves into it. We’ve built bonds, shared ideas and I’ve seen some of the strongest work ever from students. Looking forward to more this term 3/
In a situation like this, we desperately need leaders at the very top to harness a spirit of ideas, change and creativity - and an actual timetable of vaccinations would be nice.

Here endeth my TeD talk. 4/4
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