Saudi Arabia has opened its land border with Qatar for the first time in over three years.

The move, after months of mediation, could end a political dispute that led Riyadh and its allies to impose a boycott on Qatar 👇
BREAKING: Qatar's Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani lands in Saudi Arabia for landmark GCC summit; hugs Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman 
Watch the moment Qatar’s Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al-Thani arrives in Saudi Arabia for a historic summit of the Gulf Cooperation Council.

He was greeted by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman 👇
The 41st annual Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) summit is expected to herald a new chapter of revised relations and a preliminary end to the Gulf crisis 👉 
DEVELOPING: Gulf states sign 'solidarity and stability' deal, says Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

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“These efforts helped us reach the agreement of the Al-Ula statement that will be signed at this summit, where we affirm our Gulf, Arab and Islamic solidarity and stability.” - MBS 
BREAKING: Saudi Arabia and its three Arab allies agreed to restore full ties with Qatar.

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Jordan welcomes the outcome of the GCC summit after Saudi Arabia and its three Arab allies agreed to restore full ties with Qatar. Latest updates 
Qataris say it will take time to rebuild trust but are happy to see the back of the GCC dispute 
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