The most important lesson for me in 2020 is:

"DO NOT be obsessive in any view you hold"

Seeing possible outcomes in the future as possibilities instead of being "certain" or married with an idea opens your mind, which makes you learn more & will save you from investing debacles
The biggest losses I saw came from people who can't hold opposite views, imagine hating a stock at 250, changing your mind at 2500 would that be easy if you are stubborn? Obsessive views are a fruit of the holder trying to maximize their ego and their rightness rather than make $
In contrast, the best returns I have seen, not only in 2020 but consistently are from people who show up to work, find opportunities with the awareness that they can be wrong, are on the lookout for clues that can destroy their investment thesis and make their decisions alone
In addition the best track records out there, in most cases, are those people who do not spend time in fruitless political/ideology/religion debates. They invest and try to find the best opportunities, every day.. They understand the return of time!
If you invest never ever start by thinking you are the smart one. Much better start thinking (X) might work & with time and management execution the investment thesis starts to peel like an onion and U get more conviction or less. Never get married to an idea.

Success for 2021
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