
1/7 Yesterday, January 4, @AndrewMwenda wrote an article titled “Why Bobi Wine is going to cry next week for ignoring fact.” The article aims to prepare us to adjust beforehand to the theft that is going to take place “next week” and accept it.
2/7 He wrote that the challenge of the opposition in #Uganda is “low voter turn out.” He then goes on to give dubious statistics that show how Museveni has stolen the elections in each of the previous elections, “That is the trick of Museveni’s victories,” Mwenda writes.
3/7 Mwenda also says that young people who form the majority of Hon Kyagulanyi’s supporters will not show up to vote. However, he fails to mention that hundreds of youth have been killed and thousands jailed just for showing open support for #Kyagulanyi4President
4/7 Security officers have been deployed in Bobi Wine’s strongholds to prevent his supporters from turning out to vote & once the youth have been disenfranchised, Mwenda will tell everyone that his prediction came true when in fact he already know how the election will be stolen
5/7 As @KagutaMuseveni ’s advisor, and the younger brother of Maj Gen Kayanja Muhanga who Museveni has just appointed to coordinate all security operations for the Kampala metropolitan region - including vote-suppression , Mwenda is saying what they plan to do
6/7 Also, Neither does Mwenda cite the numerous polls such as the Elway Research poll or Trafalgar group that show Bobi Wine leading by a comfortable margin with 68% and 70% of the votes respectively
7/7 Mwenda doesn’t also explain why the rural people who have been hit extremely hard by Museveni’s misrule and are mired in poverty, lack of basic health & education facilities would vote for another 5 years of Museveni’s guaranteed misery.

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