This idea that art is meant to "push you out of your comfort zone" is subversive bullshit. Real art is meant to inspire you, awe you, and give you a glimpse of something more transcendent than the mundane world. "Art" that offers nothing but degenerate shock value is not art.
Real art should make you think and reflect, sure. But modern "art" only aims to offend and degrade. One naturally lifts you up onto a higher vibration, the other drags you downward in the world of the demonic, in both senses of the word.
Modern garbage "art": depressing, ugly, demoralising, obsessed with bodily functions

Literally no one looks at this and feels inspired or uplifted
Real art: filled with deep emotional complexity, a holy longing, conveyed with beauty and masterful skill

Even if the most low vibe person would have to say they least admire the level of craftsmanship in these, but guaranteed you can find one that touches your soul
Please feel free to drop your favourite examples of both real art and fake "art"
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