For creative folk who are struggling to keep writing or making stuff under intense stress, I thought I'd do a mini thread of books that have really helped me to keep going, even if it's just doing a little each day.
1. Around the Writer's Block - - Rosanne Bane. A really gentle, compassionate and helpful system to keep up a work momentum.

2. All the little books by @austinkleon, but particularly Show Your Work! and Keep Going.
3. Both The Sound of Paper and Finding Water by the glorious @J_CameronLive. Julia's books get you back on track like nothing else, but these two lesser known works were particularly helpful to me.
4. And finally Elastic Habits - - Stephen Guise. A bit of a hard sell sort of self help book but actually a genius way of approaching habits. A super flexible system that works for real human beings on your worst days.
None of these books put you under pressure. All are about doing the bare minimum but knowing THAT IS ENOUGH. Creative work that's slow and steady is also work that's sustainable, and it's sustainable that we're aiming for. NOT being impressive, not trying to prove something.
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