In the short time since I joined Twitter, I’ve made great connections in the #writingcommunity, and tried to support fellow authors and friends on the journey.
Here is my story so far and goals for the future.

2020 was a rough year. No doubt about it. It was fraught with challenges, and tough to get things done.

Yet it was also the year in which I realised that I needed to create, to follow my dreams as a writer – or at least try.

For me, that was one positive that came from it.

Some things I accomplished in 2020:

-Admitted to myself that I wanted to write.
-Finished 2 short stories.
-Completed the first draft of a novel I had half done for years.
-Started this Twitter, and joined the #WritingCommunity

Admitting to myself that I wanted to write was difficult. More than that – it took years.
Years of focusing my time on other things.

“Don’t do that,” I told myself whenever it came up. There was work to do, money to be made, and bills to pay.

But 2020 changed all that. Suddenly I saw how quick things can change. Life is short. And if I wasn’t working on my dreams – if I wasn’t even trying- then what was the point?

In 2020 I made the commitment to finish at least one piece. Just one.
It was a short story that was trash. No one read it. Not even my family.
But I was happy.
I had started.

I spent more time writing as the year went on. Working from home helped, by saving time on my commute. Did some other shorts, started working on a novella. It wasn’t half bad.

I even let some people read it this time.

I discovered Twitter, and the #writingcommunity. Suddenly I was able to connect with other writers, all sharing the same dream, the same struggles. We all have day jobs. We all write as a hobby, for the love of it. I met some great people, and learned a lot. I was inspired.

I started work on a novel, half done from long ago, about a young boy who discovers a portal to another world, a dangerous place that he unwittingly unleashes on his own.
And then, in November of 2020, I finished a draft.
I had done it.

Now, to continue. In 2020, I completed some pieces.
In 2021, I will publish.

If even one person reads my work, it will be enough.

And I’m delighted to share the journey with my friends I’ve made along the way.

You can follow @EdHalleck.
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