Oh we’re doing dating takes? Excellent! That is exactly my brand! @cathmatchmaker
Being single when everyone around you is getting married does NOT mean there is anything wrong with you! You are not less marriageable, less lovable, or less loved by God. That is a lie that we too often believe.
Just because a really nice cute holy guy isn’t interested in you, doesn’t mean there is anything wrong with you (or him). It just means he wasn’t the right one for you.
It’s okay to feel sad sometimes about being single. Just don’t let that unfulfilled desire for marriage control every aspect of your life and thoughts and feelings.
Go on a date! Even if it doesn’t work out, you have a great story to tell later!
You don’t have to marry someone exactly like you. He has to fit you, not be identical to you.
A very good sign on a date is when you feel a sense of ease and comfort in the other person’s presence. I think that’s far more telling than butterflies in your stomach.
If you’re not sure about someone, time will tell. Don’t rush in or feel pressured to make a decision until you feel a sense of peace and excitement about moving forward.
You can follow @SueZanna86.
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