This is SO true! A large part of the job is collaborating in groups, and/or delegating people to do tasks. Developing effective interpersonal communication skills (like pitching in a room) is huge. (Thread.)
When I first came to LA I believed that being a TV writer was sitting alone & typing script after script. There was a ROUGH period of anguish when I realized it was not. I was (still am!) an introvert loner so being told you have to work well in groups as a WRITER rankled me.
This was my WEAKEST suit. My strongest suit was writing, and I was being told that my fate as a WRITER hinged in no insignificant part on my weaknesses?! But as I learned how shows functioned I realized the importance of group work in making an effective product.
If you're reading this and you were like me and thinking, fuck, I'm bad at interpersonal skills and teamwork so this is daunting, what do I do? I have some unsolicited advice that you're free to not read or read on if you'd like.
The first is be WILLING to put in the work on your teamwork and interpersonal skills in a way that is most suited for you. If you are an introvert PLEASE do not think you have to be an extrovert and change your personality! Susan Cain's book, QUIET was such a lifesaver for me.
Second is putting the ego out of the way. On a show, you will be one of MANY people bringing that show to life. Communication is important to make the collective vision work!
And third is to be patient with yourself. Some people are naturals at teamwork, some are not and have to develop those skills and work on it. I'm of the latter. The goal is not perfection, it's recognizing you're part of a team be willing to put in the attention in this aspect.
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