#India's draft #Arctic Strategy (in a thread): pragmatic & not dissimilar from other AC observer strategies tabled but overbakes the notion of Delhi as a polar writ-large stakeholder which might complicate the Arctic Council & A5 reception. https://arcticpolicyindia.nic.in/ 
priorities: understand climate change wrt impact on monsoons (agricultural security); zone of "scientific fraternity" as an opp for India; ofc ongoing "cooperative" history on show -
of interest IMO: #covid19 inclusion - "scale of disruption that can be caused by pathogens. The thawing of permafrost soil could potentially release viruses and bacteria that have lain dormant for thousands of years, thereby increasing the propensity of pandemics"
of interest IMO: Kremlin terms like "mutually beneficial cooperation" & promotion of the "third pole"
of interest IMO: numerous references to Delhi's "Antarctic" interest/footprint in this #Arctic strategy. crafting case for Indian great polar power futures? #project6633
strategy focuses on engagement in terms of Observer status in AC, yet consistent refs like "India plays an important role in all international issues and observations concerning the Arctic. India is determined to scale up its Arctic engagement to even greater levels" conflict.
Indian gov agencies set to "deepen their engagement in the future": Ministry of Space, Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas, Ministry of Shipping Ports & Waterways, Ministry of Mines, Department of Telecommunications, & Defence Research & Development Organisation are of interest
now for the pillars:
points of interest: "Strengthen the existing research base at Himadri in Ny-Ålesund, Norway with enhanced observations and diverse instrumentation, maintain year-round presence and establish additional research stations in the Arctic and other observer nations"
"Acquire a dedicated ice-class Polar Research Vessel, and build indigenous capabilities for construction of such vessels" (cue icebreaker gap op-eds)
"The Arctic is characterised with low digital connectivity. India’s expertise in providing remote areas with effective satellite enabled communication and digital connectivity can potentially mitigate these shortfalls"
"Engage with partners for establishing satellite ground stations in the Arctic for optimal exploitation of Indian satellites placed in polar orbits"
"The Arctic is the largest unexplored prospective area for hydrocarbons remaining on earth. India's current investment in Russia is 15 billion USD in oil and gas projects"
"Traffic, especially through the Northern Sea Route, is rising exponentially and is projected to quadruple by 2025" "India ranks third in the list of seafarer supplying nations catering to almost 10% of global demand. India’s maritime human resources could contribute"
"Explore the possibility of linking the International North South Transport Corridor with the Unified Deep-Water System and its further extension to the Arctic" - very very interesting IMO as Russia is eyeing the NSTC potential too (Arctic to Indian Ocean via Eurasian landmass).
clarity wrt 'global' commons of #Arctic
take away: this is more than an Arctic strategy = is a global polar strategy (Antarctic ref 10 times & Himalayas 11x). might garner A5/A8 response: 'keep in your lane/re-read observer admission criteria' if Arctic = common heritage of mankind & UNCLOS rights point isn't reduced.
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