Well written. I agree with quite a few points and the historical context, as well.

But, there are a few things that I find... let's just say, opposite of smart.

"The cow, traditionally, has been a symbol of Hindu resistance against foreign invasions and imperialism."

No. 1/n https://twitter.com/UnSubtleDesi/status/1346100140872847361
Absolutely not. It has been a stick to beat Hindus with. I'm not arguing whether beef eating should be considered Dharmik or not. Not interested.

But, the cow as a symbol of resistance is just not acceptable to me. The world sees what you show it. You show it a demure 2/n
domestic and harmless animal like a cow, you're seen that way.

And India, a cow? Never. Even the image of Bharat Mata is accompanied with a ferocious lion, ready to leap on the enemy and tear his guts out.

Your enemies used cows as way of converting you. 3/n
You didn't resist for fear of Paaralaukik consequences, suffering Ihalaukik defeat or death. You also refused to let people who got converted come back to the Hindu fold, owing to the rigidity of your traditions.

Who knows how many got converted that way, turned away from 4/n
their own people under the threat of the sword. Yes, death penalty was awarded to those who indulged in Gohatya in the Maratha Empire. But that was not because the symbol of the empire was a cow.

The symbol would be a tiger. Fierce and unyielding. A king in his own right. 5/n
It is not my aim to deride the importance of the place the cow has held in our collective vision of our history. But let's not employ grand exaggerations about cow being a symbol of resistance.

No, it is most certainly not a symbol of resistance. Prosperity, may be. n/n
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