I've been getting angry with a lot of people who protest that Canada is irreversibly doomed, and who have either given up on the country or are antagonistic toward people who haven't yet.

Going to dispute some of these claims and reveal some optimistic projections:
First I need to address the notion that Canadians are responsible for the progressive culture zeitgeist that has emerged - the people can not be blamed. Cultural change is almost entirely Independent of democratic will, and by & large consensus is manufactured by our elites.
Perhaps many years ago you could make a similar claim, but today no population chose to be completely immersed in information technology. The conscious autonomy of people has been obliterated, and the fault lies entirely on technology and the elite superstructure - not the victim
Yes today Canada is an underwhelming, pathetic deracinated dump. But it is not irreversible, and as a matter of fact it will likely be reversed as a number of nearly certain global trajectories emerge to affect our country:
1) Global multipolarity
2) Third world industrialization
3) Economic stagnation
4) Fresh water geopolitics
America is lagging behind in its economic output, with several other states rapidly closing in. It won't be very long before the USA is standing on near equal military footing with a handful of rival powers. It will no longer have the capacity to police the world. Multipolarity.
We can look to history and see this cycle repeat: A hegemonic power establishes a long period of peace, until it falls into relative decline with opposition from many rival powers. The system procuring peace breaks down and war is widespread until a new hegemon restores order.
The coming multipolar world will inspire insecurity in states, and Canada will be no different. A new ethos of militarism and self sufficiency will be required to navigate the new global system. The Canadian superstructure will have to embrace nationalism in order to survive.
Canada may continue to be a subordinate to the US in order to ensure security, but I think it's far more likely that we distance ourselves due to pressure from China and Europe, playing off and being influenced by all three powers - and leveraging access to the northwest passage.
Speaking of multipolarity, the reason why it is happening is because the third world is rapidly industrializing and challenging their peripheral place in the financial order. This will result not only in regional financial-geopol blocs, but also seriously inhibit emigration.
As the third world industrializes, these countries will incentivize their educated population against emigrating in order to fill jobs in advanced sectors that had not existed prior - (instead of traveling abroad to developed countries where they were once more productive.)
This will reduce the supply of skilled immigrants arriving to Canada, which is already being depleted year after year as our standards decline. In not long, even despite the economic bump from population growth, lowering migrant standards so severely will be completely untenable.
What is especially precarious about Canada's economy is that it is incredibly dependent on unlimited immigration. Investors only have trust in economic growth, and that economic growth in Canada is largely propped up by raw population growth rather than by actual innovation.
As mass skilled migration is no longer an option, and mass unskilled migration would obliterate our welfare state, confidence in many sectors of our economy (especially real estate) will dissipate - and Canada will be sent spiraling into a depression with the rest of the West.
Economic depressions create political radicalism, but also the insecurity they manifest translates into people relying on their local communities and turning to religion to appease their material struggle. A post depression Canada would come out more socially conservative.
Without immigration, there is no injection of youth into the workforce to offset the elderly and their dependency load. Natalist policies, or otherwise some backwards agrarian reorganization, may be necessary for the survival of the state.
Immigration dependency isn't the only projected economic hurdle. As mentioned before the nature of the periphery-core relationship will break down, as investment begins transferring to industrializing 3W nations. The West will have much less leverage over its economic colonies.
Politicians today treat debt like it's nothing. This will change. Massive debt loads will become a major concern for states as economic growth slows. The nature in which states own bonds against others' debt will have debt to be thought about in new terms: geopolitical leverage.
Today non-profit and middle management sector, which provide practically no productive value, employ roughly 5-15% of the Canadian population. That is going to increase dramatically in order to combat mass unemployment from automation and offshoring. The economy will stagnate.
You can't look at these global trends and believe that the Canadian economy won't crash. It's beneficial - the instability that will arise will provide opportunities for a change of elite. Growing ethnocentrism, militarism, conservatism and populism will produce what you expect.
Now Canada's destiny after these global trajectories test our country isn't certain. Canada could very well be annexed by the US, or confederation could balkanize. There are, however, some regional forces that may keep the country independent but also significantly stronger.
I mentioned how China and Europe will pull Canada away from the US' sphere of influence. This is because Canada is the geographic bridge straight into the US' most vulnerable point: its northern border. America's enemies won't invade Canada, rather they will try to influence us.
Being antagonist towards Canada would be counterintuitive because it makes access to the US more difficult. It would only be in the US' interest to fight a war in Canada instead of on its own soil. Canada is more useful as a staging ground than an enemy for the US' rivals.
Another asset of Canada, that is critical to both China and Europe, is the NW passage. It's important that Canada is detached of foreign domination if these states want reliable trade/naval access between the Atlantic and Pacific. Canada will enjoy this new geopolitical leverage.
Canada's abundance of fresh water, as the world faces extreme shortages in the coming decades, will elevate our influence and make us a global asset. The US will not be able to hold on to Canada's loyalty if we become a critical water supply for China, India and Europe.
Let's not underestimate our potential: Canada is rich in natural resources, timber and minerals; extremely agriculturally self sustainable, and has abundant supplies of fresh water, its NW corridor will accommodate billions in trade - all in a coming era of decline and conflict.
Canada is so weak and useless today NOT because the Canadian spirit is dysgenic - but because our parasitic elites sold our sovereignty and identity to the American empire. Our population is kept docile by the superstructure because we are otherwise a security threat to the US.
What I have discussed is almost certain to occur over the next few decades. We have a lot to look forward to. So don't lose hope, Canada will be fine. But the replacement of the elite (whatever form that takes) will still need capable leadership and able men to bring it about.
The new elite vanguard will have to be inventive, imaging a way to redesign Canadian culture and identity into something with both historical continuity and contemporary relevance. Cultural revivals in history are common, especially after a period of subjugation and great change.
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