ALERT—A major ‘superstar’ who has close to Rs 1000 crore riding on his various projects in 2021 has setup a core team, in addition to the previously activated 24 digital teams (cost-sharing basis).

The actor is on a desperate ‘rebranding’ drive.

These are the goals— (1/7)
Monitor all conversations regarding him, his projects & his associations, and create favourable conversations.

The core team directly reports to him.

There are many PR activated handles, strategically floated into the Justice for SSR movement. (2/7)
The primary goal is to stop the continuous SSR related trends.

The previously hired YouTube squads have given them favourable results, and in all probability they will now not hide the ‘like/dislike’ figures. (Especially for content related to this actor) (3/7)
If you observe the pattern over last few months—right before a major trailer or teaser is released or a new PR drive is activated around a film, a serious infighting begins in this movement.

They now very well know how to distract us, but in the end we’ve always won. (4/7)
Jan-Feb is another big ‘Agni Pariksha’. If we sail thru this, one loud message goes to them—that we are still unbreakable.

It will be difficult to identify the PR managed handles, but best way to not let them win is by ‘avoiding negativity’ & stop fighting in public. (5/7)
Possible targets—
1. Since they’re rattled with the daily trends—the team making those powerful unique HTs can be a target.
2. All who once appeared on Republic for SSR are still a target.
3. Anyone who’s attacking the actor & his 2021 co-stars are targets. (6/7)
Bottom line—

When you show your weakness to the opponents, they will use it in their favour. Differences are always there, but not letting those differences turn into fights is the key.

Together we have to pass this ‘Agni Pariksha’, for SSR, for Disha. (7/7)
You can follow @ErayCr.
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