I am writing this thread since informal exchanges with a few friends motivated me to write. I am writing purely based on my experience and gut feelings. I don't have scientific knowledge on this subject. Feel free to ignore this or laugh at it:) I will not mind if you laugh:) 1/n
This thread is about a healthy lifestyle. Now, anyone seeing my DP (I am only 47) can understand how qualified I am to write on this subject:) However, this is a free platform:) Therefore, I will share my "knowledge" too:) 2/n
Good "health" is not about big muscles, flat abs, 6 packs, or running 35 km. It might include all or some of them, however, it's certainly not limited to them. "Good health" has 4 dimensions. 3/n
The 1st dimension is "Soul". We talk about priorities, right? So, this is the 1st priority. Unless we fix this, we can't have good health despite heavy exercise or dieting. 4/n
Various religions might talk about various ways to build a powerful soul. We have Sanatana Dharma, where we consider the soul as the one, unified, all-pervading entity. Without knowing anything about spirituality, I find this as the most practical definition. 5/n
To put it simply, it means "My soul is the same as the one BIG soul that pervades the universe". Now, this simple definition sets me up for a tremendously difficult journey! If all soul is one, then I can't harm a cockroach! How to live like that? THIS IS THE 1st EXERCISE! 6/n
Perhaps sacred books like Hanuman Chalisha and Shrimad Bhagavad Gita can help with this exercise. However, constructive work to free the soul from darkness is non-negotiable. A lonely journey, filled with frustrations, self-doubts, and victories too! 7/n
The next dimension is HEART, i.e., emotion. Improving one's health here requires plenty of exercises too, and, many of them are frustrating. I need to put in a lot of hard work. I need to remove many pieces of baggage. The excess baggage can go only with hard work. 8/n
Removing anger and substituting it with love: TREMENDOUS hard work! Removing fear and substituting it with courage: Back-breaking hard work! Again, sacred books and meditations can help. Nothing can substitute the hard work and sacrifice though! Those are non-negotiable. 9/n
The next, i.e., the 3rd dimension is MIND, i.e., "INTELLECT". Stale intellect pulls one down. The only way UP is to continuously learn. It may be professional skills. Alternatively, it could be hobbies. Gardening, music, painting, languages, writing, photography, etc. 10/n
The one common thread in all the 3 above dimensions is "progressive overload". It will be required in the 4th dimension too. I need to challenge myself. E.g., If I learned one song based on the first part of "Jay Jayanti" raaga today, I need to pick the 2nd part too. 11/n
The 4th dimension is BODY. Much of our health-related concerns focus on this, however, it's not the first priority at all. Ironically, it's one of the easiest to fix:) Therefore, it might be a good idea to start a "Healthy" journey with it. 12/n
Here, the 1st part is ACTIVITY. If I am sedentary throughout the day, then 1 HOUR OF EXERCISE WON'T HELP! Let's not fool ourselves! We need to BE ACTIVE. ALEXA may have AI, but it's NOT AT ALL intelligent for us to use it to cut down activities! 13/n
Sure, we have domestic help in our country. HOWEVER, WE NEED TO HELP OURSELVES. A life without sufficient hard work has many negative effects. Driving is COOL! Is it? Think again! I am not trying to give "Gyan" here! I just invite thinking! "COOL" for WHOM? Not your legs! 14/n
NETFLIX is cool. Maybe, or maybe not! Count the hours you are just SITTING, thanks to NETFLIX! How about taking the kids out for a walk instead and just listen to them? How about taking the pet for a walk, and just look at his/her eyes instead? 15/n
"SMOKING MAKES ME LOOK LIKE THAT MACHO MAN": This is what I thought as a teenager! Result? See my DP and remember that I am ONLY 47! Hundred of chemicals go in, with every puff! This is an addiction and nothing else! Thankfully, I have resisted for the last 72 days. 16/n
"WINE has benefits for the heart", "Alcohol is stylish": We heard these. The truth is that these are marketing campaigns! These are foreign objects for our bodies. Our bodies will do whatever it takes to get rid of them. That's the plain truth, without marketing. 17/n
How about food? Well, so many marketing campaigns abound! The simple truth is that what my grandmother cooked is STILL the VERY BEST for me! Why? Because, for THOUSANDS of YEARS, our people had this food. We are conditioned to gain the best value from that food. 18/n
How about exercise? 1st of all: It's a complex subject. Please study enough or consult experts before undertaking COOL and TRENDY exercise regimes. I must exercise. However, I must exercise correctly. "CORRECTLY" is the key operative word! Also, the correct exercise = BLISS! 19/n
How about sleep? The correct amount depends on who I am and my habits. NO APP can tell you whether you slept well! Your morning, how energetic you are in the morning, will tell you whether you slept well. Consult experts. However, look within TOO for answers. 20/n
Finally: I will be healthy only if I love my istha devata. My ishta devata may be Hanuman ji, Ma Durga, or Ayyappa Swamy. ACTUALLY, THEY ARE ONE. I AM ALSO ONE, WITH THEM. Only if I undertake the everyday struggles to BELIEVE this, will I be HEALTHY. Thanks, friends, and Ram Ram!
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