1)I see on my feed people memeing asians as bitcoin bears,chronical sellers....Ackchyually it cant be further from the truths, lets check some data, yellow is asian session, yes because they are indeed yellow people, so profile is yellow, green block is when they opened red-close
2) So what we see here? asians not only one of smallest profile(yes smallest.....And u thought yellow profile was funny) its also getting uncalled reputation, only trait of them is that they pump the hardest at the highs, and remain bullish longest.
3) So whos the biggest bears? U guessed it! Red profile, which is anglos. aint no fucking with us in eurpe, we are markets broom, always sweep asian highs/lows. Help them and lads who sleep tightly puke their guts into liquidation cascades.
4) Obviously session aint on obligatory pact to behave same every day, yet its really clear, distinctive characters and dynamics (which variate from prepositioning to overall bias), and every session play its role more than it doesnt. Or simply rests at low kurtosis- rf=0
5)U might not like it, and it might go against misconception u blindly fallow, but this is how market is positioned, structured and played. Asians din du nuffin.
6) I hope glimse at charts with worlds "sessions" will help people to shake out the myths they fallow and maybe even base their trades on. I would give stats but in last few days we here talked about math....we all seen how well CT can into maths...so we do pictures!
End 1/2 ) Once again for those who cant read profile, everything u need to know there that those block creatures represent session, the bright green block is start price, the red is close of session.
Asia ends goes towards downside only when its closing in to london session
End 2/2) This tendency must be PTSD, overall they bullish creatures. Just fears the anglo, and u should too
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