đŸ§” 1/ One of the things that makes cancel culture so much like abuse is stripping the target of agency.

Something is being ‘done’ to you that you have no agency over, and you just have to take it. Bc someone else decided you’re ‘bad’, ‘wrong’/‘problematic’, ‘harmful’.
2/ Like abuse there’s no dialogue or relational negotiation. It’s one sided: ‘you’re bad & must not only be punished but also humiliated’.

The abuser or canceller is the arbiter of truth, and the abused or cancelled is often made silent, not heard, & not believed.
3/ It’s completely counter to the narrative cancellers set up about ‘holding people with power accountable’ bc they are the ones abusing power.

Or pious lectures about not ‘pathologising’ their palpably pathological behaviour. It’s a bid to sanctify their abuse as virtue.
4/ It is very difficult to leave abusive situations for a lot of complex reasons & almost impossible to leave cancellation.

When the enraged amorphous horde decide you are the target of their ire, you can’t close the door, hang up the phone, or leave. You just have to take it.
5/ Woke, mostly white, progressives will cite the origins of cancel culture (black Twitter) to rationalise their online hate campaigns- often against minorities guilty of wrong think.

This is purposeful misdirection bc they are not POC nor powerless. Their victims often are.
6/ The cancel culture they practice is very different to the ‘call out culture’ they evangelise about.

Like abuse this messes with the victim’s sense of perception- and, like abuse, they are powerless to challenge it.
6/ Cancellers often refer to their victims ‘power’, ‘platform’, being a ‘public figure’. I want to name that a significant element is a festering sense of resentment & cancel culture is often a convenient outlet.

Parallel to abuse dynamics.
7/ The cancel culture I criticise & that is being practiced online has little to do with the cancellers taking on the lofty mantle of ‘holding people accountable’- and everything to do with power.

It is a power struggle rooted in resentment & intolerance.
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