I’m almost done with the final season of @SchittsCreek and as a celebration of my love for the show AND the fact that Alexis’s frustrated grunts sound like Miss Piggy, here we go: The characters from Schitt’s Creek as @TheMuppets 👉
Obviously, Moira Rose MUST be played by Miss Piggy. The wardrobe, the wigs, the aristocratic sensibility.
It’s the eyebrows for me: Johnny Rose as Sam the Eagle. A dead ringer.
There’s only one muppet who is as stylish as Alexis Rose and it’s Annie Sue Pig.
I don’t think any other being, whether it be human or muppet form could play David Rose. So he’s our only real person in this theoretical muppet remake.
Roland and Jocelyn as Gonzo and Camilla the Chicken. It works almost too well.
In Moira’s words, Stevie is the coolest person in Schitt’s Creek, and Janice is without a doubt the coolest muppet around.
Ted has a heart as pure and kind as the talking frog we know as Kermit.
Patrick is both adorable and smart which are two traits he shares with his muppet counterpart: Scooter.
Never without SOMETHING to say about the current Schitt’s Creek drama, can Ronnie be both Statler AND Waldorf? Anything is possible in Muppet world.
Again, almost too good. Happy, goofy, and a little clumsy. Bob as Fozzie Bear.
Yes, I know Zoe is technically on Sesame Street but the Muppet show is like 90% men who tf wrote this for children?? Twyla as Zoe.
Last but not least: hairy, wild, likes to party: Mutt as Animal.
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