If you think “pirating” e-books is “morally bankrupt” come over here and let me slap the privilege out of you.
I thought about writing a thread why piracy almost singlehandedly keeps the literature communities alive and thriving but no god it boggles my mind why this is still even a discussion.

Piracy exists because your fcking favorite books are locked behind a profit-driven system
And don’t even begin to bullshit me about getting it from “the library” just sit back down and sip your tasteless tea because it’s obvious you know NOTHING about the world. Libraries aren’t the bastions of knowledge you think it is and in many places they don’t even exist
I teach literature and without piracy my students and I will have ZERO ACCESS TO ANYTHING I’M SUPPOSED TO AND WANT TO DISCUSS IN CLASS. What, do I go to the “library” and make do with their often outdated selection? Am I supposed to buy them off my abysmal salary? You’re kidding
Any author who is actively against the distribution of books within “unofficial” channels is not worth their salt. Imagine being told you can’t read something because you can’t afford it, because you don’t live in a place where it’s available. Absolutely ridiculous
Also this isn’t the same as “stealing art online”??? You obviously don’t need to download something that you can already SEE and appreciate
“But it’s illegal!” f you
If you want piracy to stop, help abolish capitalism
Anyway this is why the zine community is superior we don’t have to worry about this shit
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