{THREAD} I always find it interesting when folks see nice pics of a married couple and use #GOALS

As I sit here in the still of the night and I reflect on the past year, I am reflecting on what real marriage goals are! /1
This past year, my wife and I weathered one of our toughest seasons yet. And our love never wavered but we had to remain committed to weather the storm that was 2020 /2
From navigating a sick parent, a furloughed job, a pandemic, an unexplained injury (during the pandemic), 2 kids out of school, closing a lifelong fam biz in another country and a bunch of other emotional & financial stresses... we remained committed to help each other thru /3
I think all too often, society today paints a picture that marriage is about #LOVE and when you no longer ‘feeling it’, then just get divorced.

I do think divorce is a necessary solution in some cases, but I think if more ppl remained committed, it’d be different /4
I thank God Kris didn’t walk 6 weeks into our marriage in ‘08 when my biz + the economy + real estate collapsed at the same time and I lost millions.

She could’ve said bump this and walked. But she remained committed thru a few tough years of what she didn’t sign up for. /5
Where am I going with this?

Someone reading this is dealing with a challenging relationship stretch right now and needed this thread.

I LOVE my wife, but we are married for almost 13 years more so due to commitment than love. /6
I am being 100% honest if I say there are many many days in our marriage that she didn’t exactly love the situation she found herself in and vice versa.

And that goes for most any long term relationship. But commitment gets us to the other side /7
Today, she’s even more of a best friend for life than the day we got married. My queen of Hart and my everything. And I would do it all over right now if I had it to do over /8
I pray for those who have read this whole thread cause you’re experiencing pain in a valley season in your relationship rn.

I pray you’ll communicate with your partner, and remain committed to them. Ride thru this dark valley! And trust God’s timing to get you thru it! ❤️ /9
Also don’t be too proud to seek marriage counseling or individual therapy. Take care of you ( #SelfCare) and take the necessary steps to protect your marriage + relationship /10
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