I really hope we have a conversation and changes about how we handle mental health in the world of politics both legislative and campaign side
Currently it’s not sustainable for folks who need to take care of mental health, I realized why 2020 was such a good year for my mental health, I didn’t have to go to any political events or deal with the usual nonsense of campaign stuff, even though I was managing a campaign
All of the pressure to do all the things and give 200% isn’t healthy or sustainable, the level of social drinking particularly in union or LGBTQ political & non profit world isn’t great for those of us who are recovering addicts.
Like to the younger organizer me, stop doing things for free, stop hoping you will get the job, find something that you can leave work at work during work hours
Also your friends from politics will still be there to bullshit with and hang out with (well at least the ones that matter and actually care about you as a person and not just a worker)
It’s an important conversation to have don’t stop seeing your therapist or work so much you run out of meds. Or work for no pay so you can’t afford your meds
Also when one takes those steps back from being 200% campaign or legislative all the time respect that decision. For me it was because I need health insurance and stable employment that I don’t have to play games to keep.
Also that doesn’t make you a bad person as one of my mentors @VoteBetty says “put your own oxygen mask on before assisting others” now days I give things a percent chance I’ll show up IE telling the door knock organizer there is a 70% chance of a Z being there
I’ve worked for 10 different campaigns or non profits or lobbying groups ONLY 2 of them understood that one hour a week I would NOT be available for work (emails, events, texts, completely off the grid) and that’s for weekly therapy.
One campaign once told me “please don’t go into the hospital see if you can power through until after the election” and then had me transferred out of that part of the campaign and wondered why I didn’t support them again
We need to stop shaming both official staff and campaign staff for taking time for them to do self care.
It’s really really hard to be neuro diverse and work in politics, despite most of us being not neuro typical
In other places of employment labor unions and politicians would have a literal cow and demand workers not work 20 hours a day for 30 days, work at those hours for stipends, be so busy working they don’t pick up meds or go to therapy or just see friends not in a work setting.
To all those who have worked in politics and then needed to get out for your health or wellbeing thank you for your service.
That being said I’m going to school in the spring to become an EMT
It’s a myth that it gets better in a non campaign job because you end up wanting to do campaign things along with your official duties.
Also it’s time we start paying interns a living wage not everything is about “experience” now days if I’m going to donate to a campaign it’s only one that pays it’s interns and staff. Chasing careers is exhausting as hell physically and mentally
So for any theater folks or anyone who’s seen the movie/production a chorus line except it’s when ever your around anyone or tweeting/facebooking anything
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