@StellarOrg should be under scrutiny from the @SEC_Enforcement for the data manipulation that led to XLM pump. Such an outright lie offends demonstrates ignorance and disregard for the constitution of Ukraine. I’m going to explain why: https://twitter.com/CoinDesk/status/1346094483998445569
The official report of @NBUkraine_eng https://bank.gov.ua/admin_uploads/article/Analytical%20Report%20on%20E-hryvnia.pdf (page 33) is telling Stellar can NOT be used due to its limitation
By https://zakon.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/679-14#Text @NBUkraine is an independent branch and no one including the Cabinet of Ministers can not influence its policy. So new @mintsyfra has 0 legal power to make decisions regarding CBDC
NBU can not select a contractor without public tender by the law. If something similar happens - it's a criminal violation, which should be carefully reviewed by https://nabu.gov.ua/en  @nab_ukr
The pilot project team tried to contact @StellarOrg multiply times requesting help and some consulting - no one did not respond. They had a chance to build the first CBDC, but they enjoyed XLM ATH. Now they are trying to abuse this use case for their own positioning.
I’m very disappointed about the level of competence and lack of fact check of @CoinDesk. The editorial board must write a refutation... @IanAllison123 are you familiar with Ukrainian laws and reality?
I’m would like @NBUkraine_eng to become more aggressive regarding attempts to use its name and protect its reputations through the use of appropriate legal mechanisms
and finally, I hope the @mintsyfra know what they are doing and pursues national interests and are not abused by ppl, which are carrying about token price instead of interests of Ukraine and its community.

Thanks for reading
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