// grooming , cmc
im going to be real fucking honest with you guys. i KNOW we should be focusing on the fact that carson is the literal predator in this situation, but if you’re putting your energy into defending the other members of the lunch club, who knew for ALMOST A YEAR, +
fucking soft block or unfollow me right now. you’re telling me 6 grown fucking men with their own large platforms couldn’t come out with this shit sooner? im a fucking victim of grooming. that shit is SERIOUS. they fucking knew and they allowed that man to keep his platform +
knowing what he used it for. im not mad if you like the members of the lunch club. that is your choice and i respect that because im sure they create good content. but they fucked up with this one and it shouldn’t be excused because of the fact that they were “scared.” +
could you imagine how fucking scary it must’ve been for the victims? literal underage girls? so yeah. fuck the lunch club. i dont care if you enjoy them still. but don’t fucking defend them for this. in the 10 fucking months they knew, they had plenty of opportunities to say shit
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